Reviews and Rating – Google Reviews

Standard summary with reviews

Limited to 5 reviews, with the logo set, otherwise untouched in the setup and the simple shortcode without parameters.



655 Main Road, Berriedale

4.4 7,701 reviews

  • Avatar Neal Ames ★★★★★ 7 months ago
    What could I say about MONA that hasn't been said already. If you had to sum it up in one word it would be EDGY. Went again for about the sixth time last weekend. Living in Hobart the locals tend to take it for granted. I think I was … More the only local there. The exhibitions are still engaging and my favourite is still the engine oil pool, which was one of the original pieces back when it opened 10 years ago. Need I say it, well worth a visit.
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd … More not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
  • Avatar Ross C ★★★★★ 5 months ago
    The best museum I have ever been to. (including the Parisian ones!)
    The exhibits and the sheer scope of the place make this a brilliant experience. The outside grounds are fantastically preserved and offer some great views of the surrounding
    … More areas.
    The restaurants and cafes within the museum are your typical affair of nice exterior but pricey interior if you ever dare to eat at one.
    Absolute blast of an experience that will be the highlight of anyone's trip to Hobart.
  • Avatar Arosh Gunawardena ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    I always leave here a little bit confused but never regretful I came to check out the current exhibition. MONA is a must do Tasmanian/Hobart experience and you won't regret it. My photos don't do it justice as when compared to … More real life experience when you're there. Definitely check it out and it's a reasonable experience!
  • Avatar Ross Carroll ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    The best museum I have ever been to. (including the Parisian ones!)
    The exhibits and the sheer scope of the place make this a brilliant experience. The outside grounds are fantastically preserved and offer some great views of the surrounding
    … More areas.
    The restaurants and cafes within the museum are your typical affair of nice exterior but pricey interior if you ever dare to eat at one.
    Absolute blast of an experience that will be the highlight of anyone's trip to Hobart.

Apparence standard avec résumé et avis Le drapeau tricolore

Paramètres standard avec identifiant de lieu pour le Louvre à Paris.

[reviews_rating place_id="ChIJD3uTd9hx5kcR1IQvGfr8dbk" icon=false language="fr" review_word="avis" more="plus"]

Musée du Louvre

Rue de Rivoli, Paris

4.7 208,573 avis

  • Avatar Beatrice Fouchard ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    Système de billetterie trop drôle : si on achète son billet en ligne à l'avance on se retrouve à faire une queue pas possible à l'extérieur, mais si on arrive sans billet on rentre immédiatement, et pas de queue au guichet, ni … plus d'attente pour entrer après. Donc petit conseil n'achetez pas les billets avant.
    En dehors de cette anecdote, toujours aussi émouvant de se trouver face à tous ces chefs d'oeuvre de l'humanité
  • Avatar benjamin zeitoun ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    Un grand lieux incontournable pour une visite sur Paris, ses un lieux qui est tellement fascinant et tellement riche par ses rare collections qui sont unique, je n'y suis pas rester bien longtemps et c'est bien dommage pour apprécier … plus ce lieux unique. il me faudrait plusieurs jours pour l'apprécier en intégralité. Franchement c est beau, propre et agréable a visité. ne passer pas a coté de cette visite quand vous êtes sur Paris.
  • Avatar Catherine Laurent ★★★★ 5 years ago
    Ce musée était très intéressant avec tout types d’œuvres ; tableaux, sculptures, objets décoratifs...
    Par contre, on se perd assez facilement même avec le plan sous les yeux et le restaurant à l'intérieur était assez simpliste mais
    … plus quand même bon.
    Le service pour les plats chauds était rapide et le personnel agréable.
  • Avatar Mélaine FLAHAUT ★★★★★ 5 years ago
    Un musée dans un Château ... j'adore le mélange des genres.
    Dommage qu'une visite ne suffise pas à tout regarder , contempler... il y en a tellement à voir... autant en exposition que les murs, les peintures, les tentures, les
    … plus boiseries, les pierres... bref tout est à regarder de près et de loin pour admirer le travail 🤩🤩
  • Avatar Antoine Roumilhac ★★★★★ 5 years ago
    Très beau musée, on n'en voit jamais le bout et on découvre de nouvelles œuvres à chaque fois que l'on y va. Les salles sont bien indiquées et on ne peut pas se perdre. Petit bémol inhérent à sa popularité : il y a une file d'attente … plus énorme la plupart du temps.


Just a few of the best reviews styled as speech bubbles without the summary at the top.

[reviews_rating theme="bubble" summary=false limit=3 min=5]
  • Avatar Neal Ames ★★★★★ 7 months ago
    What could I say about MONA that hasn't been said already. If you had to sum it up in one word it would be EDGY. Went again for about the sixth time last weekend. Living in Hobart the locals tend to take it for granted. I think I was … More the only local there. The exhibitions are still engaging and my favourite is still the engine oil pool, which was one of the original pieces back when it opened 10 years ago. Need I say it, well worth a visit.
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd … More not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
  • Avatar Ross C ★★★★★ 5 months ago
    The best museum I have ever been to. (including the Parisian ones!)
    The exhibits and the sheer scope of the place make this a brilliant experience. The outside grounds are fantastically preserved and offer some great views of the surrounding
    … More areas.
    The restaurants and cafes within the museum are your typical affair of nice exterior but pricey interior if you ever dare to eat at one.
    Absolute blast of an experience that will be the highlight of anyone's trip to Hobart.

[reviews_rating theme="bubble columns three" summary=false limit=3 min=5 excerpt=150]
  • Avatar Neal Ames ★★★★★ 7 months ago
    What could I say about MONA that hasn't been said already. If you had to sum it up in one word it would be EDGY. Went again for about the sixth time … More last weekend. Living in Hobart the locals tend to take it for granted. I think I was the only local there. The exhibitions are still engaging and my favourite is still the engine oil pool, which was one of the original pieces back when it opened 10 years ago. Need I say it, well worth a visit.
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and … More lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
  • Avatar Ross C ★★★★★ 5 months ago
    The best museum I have ever been to. (including the Parisian ones!)
    The exhibits and the sheer scope of the place make this a brilliant experience. The
    … More outside grounds are fantastically preserved and offer some great views of the surrounding areas.
    The restaurants and cafes within the museum are your typical affair of nice exterior but pricey interior if you ever dare to eat at one.
    Absolute blast of an experience that will be the highlight of anyone's trip to Hobart.

Bubbles, centred and filled

This time it is filled speech bubbles, centrally aligned with the summary hidden.

[reviews_rating theme="bubble center fill" summary=false limit=3 min=5]
  • Avatar Neal Ames
    What could I say about MONA that hasn't been said already. If you had to sum it up in one word it would be EDGY. Went again for about the sixth time last weekend. Living in Hobart the locals tend to take it for granted. I think I was … More the only local there. The exhibitions are still engaging and my favourite is still the engine oil pool, which was one of the original pieces back when it opened 10 years ago. Need I say it, well worth a visit.
    ★★★★★ 7 months ago
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd … More not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
    ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
  • Avatar Ross C
    The best museum I have ever been to. (including the Parisian ones!)
    The exhibits and the sheer scope of the place make this a brilliant experience. The outside grounds are fantastically preserved and offer some great views of the surrounding
    … More areas.
    The restaurants and cafes within the museum are your typical affair of nice exterior but pricey interior if you ever dare to eat at one.
    Absolute blast of an experience that will be the highlight of anyone's trip to Hobart.
    ★★★★★ 5 months ago

[reviews_rating theme="bubble center fill columns three" summary=false limit=3 min=5 excerpt=150]
  • Avatar Neal Ames
    What could I say about MONA that hasn't been said already. If you had to sum it up in one word it would be EDGY. Went again for about the sixth time … More last weekend. Living in Hobart the locals tend to take it for granted. I think I was the only local there. The exhibitions are still engaging and my favourite is still the engine oil pool, which was one of the original pieces back when it opened 10 years ago. Need I say it, well worth a visit.
    ★★★★★ 7 months ago
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and … More lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
    ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
  • Avatar Ross C
    The best museum I have ever been to. (including the Parisian ones!)
    The exhibits and the sheer scope of the place make this a brilliant experience. The
    … More outside grounds are fantastically preserved and offer some great views of the surrounding areas.
    The restaurants and cafes within the museum are your typical affair of nice exterior but pricey interior if you ever dare to eat at one.
    Absolute blast of an experience that will be the highlight of anyone's trip to Hobart.
    ★★★★★ 5 months ago

Columns and colours

Various responsive column layouts that appear when the screen is wide enough. Some of these customisations will require a little CSS.

You can set your preference of colour scheme using the parameter: color_scheme.

[reviews_rating theme="bubble columns two center fill" color_scheme="cranberry" summary="name, rating, stars, count" avatar=false review_item_order="text first"]


4.4 7,701 reviews

  • Unique, atmospheric, weird and wonderful. You walk across a tennis court to get in! If only you more often had to interrupt a game. … More
    Darren Watkins ★★★★ 5 years ago
  • Pretty awesome place. Better than the Louvre, that’s for sure. Nothing snobby or pretentious here. Makes you think. Best part is … More there’s no bus loads of Chinese tourists to fight your way through
    Lee Arasu ★★★★★ 5 years ago

[reviews_rating theme="columns two" summary=false limit=2 excerpt=120]
  • Avatar Neal Ames ★★★★★ 7 months ago
    What could I say about MONA that hasn't been said already. If you had to sum it up in one word it would be EDGY. Went … More again for about the sixth time last weekend. Living in Hobart the locals tend to take it for granted. I think I was the only local there. The exhibitions are still engaging and my favourite is still the engine oil pool, which was one of the original pieces back when it opened 10 years ago. Need I say it, well worth a visit.
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic … More museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.

[reviews_rating theme="bubble center fill columns three" class="blue" place_id="ChIJ37ukkHcFdkgRbQDodKaNszs" summary=false date=false sort="shuffle_variable" limit=3 min=5 review_text_min=140 review_text_max=290 excerpt=120 name_format="last initial" avatar="/wp-content/uploads/Generic-Avatar-Blue.svg"]
  • Avatar Olivia P
    Such a brilliant hair salon! Recently discovered when I moved to the area, Barbara is amazing - really good colour and cut. … More Great atmosphere, highly recommend!
  • Avatar Kate S
    Antonio always does an amazing job with my hair. I now live in East London but I still make the trip to Battersea because … More he always does the best job - thank you! I highly recommend this salon.
  • Avatar Maureen G
    The best hairdresser!!!! Thank you Antonio for your amazing job 🙂
    I HIGHLY recommend this hair salon, you won't be
    … More disappointed!! It is QUALITY!!!
    It is exactly what i expected as a result, my hair look looks amazing!
    Many Thanks x

[reviews_rating theme="bubble columns four" class="pink" summary="icon, name, rating, stars" icon="/wp-content/uploads/Colourful-Star-Logo.svg" limit=4 excerpt=110 stars="rgba(240, 20, 120, 0.9)" stars_gray="rgba(180, 90, 120, 0.3)" name_format="last initial"]



  • Avatar Neal A ★★★★★ 7 months ago
    What could I say about MONA that hasn't been said already. If you had to sum it up in one word it would be … More EDGY. Went again for about the sixth time last weekend. Living in Hobart the locals tend to take it for granted. I think I was the only local there. The exhibitions are still engaging and my favourite is still the engine oil pool, which was one of the original pieces back when it opened 10 years ago. Need I say it, well worth a visit.
  • Avatar Ashwin M ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel … More gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
  • Avatar Ross C ★★★★★ 5 months ago
    The best museum I have ever been to. (including the Parisian ones!)
    The exhibits and the sheer scope of the place
    … More make this a brilliant experience. The outside grounds are fantastically preserved and offer some great views of the surrounding areas.
    The restaurants and cafes within the museum are your typical affair of nice exterior but pricey interior if you ever dare to eat at one.
    Absolute blast of an experience that will be the highlight of anyone's trip to Hobart.
  • Avatar Arosh G ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    I always leave here a little bit confused but never regretful I came to check out the current exhibition. MONA … More is a must do Tasmanian/Hobart experience and you won't regret it. My photos don't do it justice as when compared to real life experience when you're there. Definitely check it out and it's a reasonable experience!

[reviews_rating theme="bubble columns four" class="pink pink-bubble" summary=false attribution=false limit=4 min=4 excerpt=110 name_format="first only" date="M Y" avatar="/wp-content/uploads/Generic-Local-Guide-Avatar-Magenta.svg"]
  • Avatar Neal ★★★★★ Jan 2021
    What could I say about MONA that hasn't been said already. If you had to sum it up in one word it would be … More EDGY. Went again for about the sixth time last weekend. Living in Hobart the locals tend to take it for granted. I think I was the only local there. The exhibitions are still engaging and my favourite is still the engine oil pool, which was one of the original pieces back when it opened 10 years ago. Need I say it, well worth a visit.
  • Avatar Ashwin ★★★★★ Aug 2021
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel … More gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
  • Avatar Ross ★★★★★ Apr 2021
    The best museum I have ever been to. (including the Parisian ones!)
    The exhibits and the sheer scope of the place
    … More make this a brilliant experience. The outside grounds are fantastically preserved and offer some great views of the surrounding areas.
    The restaurants and cafes within the museum are your typical affair of nice exterior but pricey interior if you ever dare to eat at one.
    Absolute blast of an experience that will be the highlight of anyone's trip to Hobart.
  • Avatar Arosh ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    I always leave here a little bit confused but never regretful I came to check out the current exhibition. MONA … More is a must do Tasmanian/Hobart experience and you won't regret it. My photos don't do it justice as when compared to real life experience when you're there. Definitely check it out and it's a reasonable experience!
[reviews_rating theme="narrow center" class="red" summary="icon, name, rating, stars, count" icon="/wp-content/uploads/Red-Star-Logo.svg" limit=0 stars="css"]


4.4 7,701 reviews

The three, four column and stars="css" shortcodes have some additional CSS to alter the fill, overall rating and review stars: .listing .text {
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} .listing .text::before {
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Review item order and design

There is a lot of flexibility with this plugin’s appearance. You can select a number a ways to display the review items. Adjust the review text length or excerpt for consistency in columns.

[reviews_rating summary="icon, name, rating, stars" review_item_order="inline" limit=2]



  • Avatar Neal Ames ★★★★★ 7 months ago
    What could I say about MONA that hasn't been said already. If you had to sum it up in one word it would be EDGY. Went again for about the sixth time last weekend. Living in Hobart the locals tend to take it for granted. I think I was … More the only local there. The exhibitions are still engaging and my favourite is still the engine oil pool, which was one of the original pieces back when it opened 10 years ago. Need I say it, well worth a visit.
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd … More not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.

[reviews_rating theme="columns two" summary=false review_item_order="text first author switch" id="5,3"]
  • The place is evil and disgusting and doesn't belong in our state. Good thing that it's "temporarily closed" - hopefully that will be updated to "permanently closed".
    Avatar ☆☆☆☆ 4 years ago Matt S
  • What isn’t there to love at Mona. The art, the food, the wine, and the fact that as a Tasmanian you can go for free!!!!! It’s such a brilliant place that truly steps up the states tourism game.
    Avatar ★★★★★ 4 years ago Ryan Farrow

[reviews_rating theme="bubble center columns two" summary=false review_item_order="text first" limit=2 offset=2 excerpt=130 date=false]
  • You definitely need many hours here. You will feel all sorts of emotions/thoughts and do not expect it to be like a traditional gallery … More as it is anything but. It is like a maze and I missed so much of it despite being there for a few hours. Definitely more for adults than for children but they have things like a giant trampoline that's fun.
    Also make sure you download the app and have a full battery phone or device to access the information of the art pieces and to take photos. Take your time wandering around and look at everything.
    Ladies definitely do a walk through the ladies room behind the green curtains. If you don't want to see anything too extreme maybe skip or go through the bottom floor quickly. Lots of beautiful seating around the gallery to sit on that I wasn't sure was art or an actual seat.
    It is a little ways out of Hobart city but the ferry in is fast and smooth. You can sit on a sheep or tiger too or access the bar on board. There are a few stairs from the ferry up to the gallery so keep that in mind. There are place to eat and drink and you can stay here if you want.
    Avatar Mary T ★★★★
  • If MONA didn't inspire a bunch of 1 stars to complain about it's vulgarity it wasn't a place to spend 2 hours on a plane … More to visit. Luckily it offended a lot of people.
    What a splendour David Walsh has built. A space that rivals the best Bond villain lair and a dark and provoking art collection that complements its eerie subterranean terrain.
    The experience from the ferry to the grounds was just so well designed even those 1 star wonders had to admire it.
    The landscape and interior architecture is just amazing. Large billowing structures, along with lush green spaces. As much as Tasmania has to naturally offer its visitors, in MONA it also has just as much to offer artificially.
    The experience inside was no different. The O app effortlessly guides you through the various installations and as cavernous as the layout is, it is as familiar as the gift shop at the end. This is the most sophisticated place to experience art of this magnitude in Australia.
    There are too many words that need to be said about this place and if you were to reduce it to numbers it would be 5 not 1.
    Avatar Kevin C ★★★★★

[reviews_rating theme="bubble center columns two" place_id="ChIJK092aEpzbqoR1exlPQa0ccI" summary=false review_item_order="author switch" sort="relevance_asc" limit=2 offset=1 excerpt=130 date=false]
  • ★★★★★
    What isn’t there to love at Mona. The art, the food, the wine, and the fact that as a Tasmanian you can go for free!!!!! It’s such … More a brilliant place that truly steps up the states tourism game.
    Avatar Ryan Farrow
  • ☆☆☆☆
    The place is evil and disgusting and doesn't belong in our state. Good thing that it's "temporarily closed" - hopefully … More that will be updated to "permanently closed".
    Avatar Matt S

[reviews_rating summary="rating, stars, count" review_item_order="text first author switch" limit=1 offset=3]

4.4 7,701 reviews

  • Un grand lieux incontournable pour une visite sur Paris, ses un lieux qui est tellement fascinant et tellement riche par ses rare collections qui sont unique, je n'y suis pas rester bien longtemps et c'est bien dommage pour apprécier … More ce lieux unique. il me faudrait plusieurs jours pour l'apprécier en intégralité. Franchement c est beau, propre et agréable a visité. ne passer pas a coté de cette visite quand vous êtes sur Paris.
    Avatar ★★★★★ 4 years ago benjamin zeitoun

[reviews_rating summary=false avatar=false date="M jS, Y" review_item_order="text first inline" limit=2 excerpt=null review_text_max=400 review_text_inc="impressive, interesting, worthy, great, different, love, awesome"]
  • Great massage, really worked hard on my knots and loosened me up well. I've had Thai massages before, some in Thailand, and they always work really well for me.
    Customer service was fine, nothing over the top - my preferred style, less waffle and get down to it!
    I really liked the spa vibe, I aim to return at least monthly.
    Samantha Oxford ★★★★★ 5 years ago
  • Such a brilliant hair salon! Recently discovered when I moved to the area, Barbara is amazing - really good colour and cut. Great atmosphere, highly recommend!
    Olivia Parson ★★★★★ 4 years ago


Enclose each review in its own tile using this newly introduced theme in version 4.

[reviews_rating theme="tile center" summary="rating, stars, count" limit=2 excerpt=190]

4.4 7,701 reviews

  • Avatar Arosh Gunawardena ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    I always leave here a little bit confused but never regretful I came to check out the current exhibition. MONA is a must do Tasmanian/Hobart experience and you won't regret it. My photos … More don't do it justice as when compared to real life experience when you're there. Definitely check it out and it's a reasonable experience!
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel … More there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.

[reviews_rating theme="tile columns three center" summary="rating, stars, count" limit=3 excerpt=90]

4.4 7,701 reviews

  • Avatar Arosh Gunawardena ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    I always leave here a little bit confused but never regretful I came to check out the current … More exhibition. MONA is a must do Tasmanian/Hobart experience and you won't regret it. My photos don't do it justice as when compared to real life experience when you're there. Definitely check it out and it's a reasonable experience!
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare … More a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
  • Avatar Ross C ★★★★★ 5 months ago
    The best museum I have ever been to. (including the Parisian ones!)
    The exhibits and the
    … More sheer scope of the place make this a brilliant experience. The outside grounds are fantastically preserved and offer some great views of the surrounding areas.
    The restaurants and cafes within the museum are your typical affair of nice exterior but pricey interior if you ever dare to eat at one.
    Absolute blast of an experience that will be the highlight of anyone's trip to Hobart.

[reviews_rating theme="tile columns two" color_scheme="coffee" summary="name, stars, count" review_text_height="4.4em" date="F j, Y" attribution=false limit=2]


7,701 reviews

  • Avatar Arosh Gunawardena ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    I always leave here a little bit confused but never regretful I came to check out the current exhibition. MONA is a must do Tasmanian/Hobart experience and you won't regret it. My photos don't do it justice as when compared to real life experience when you're there. Definitely check it out and it's a reasonable experience!
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ August 23, 2021
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
[reviews_rating theme="tile columns two bubble fill" color_scheme="slate" summary=false review_text_height="5.1em" date="F j, Y" attribution=false limit=2]
  • Avatar Arosh Gunawardena ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    I always leave here a little bit confused but never regretful I came to check out the current exhibition. MONA is a must do Tasmanian/Hobart experience and you won't regret it. My photos don't do it justice as when compared to real life experience when you're there. Definitely check it out and it's a reasonable experience!
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ August 23, 2021
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.

There are so many colour combinations for this set of themes, so create your own CSS to fill the tile background to a colour of your choice.

[reviews_rating theme="tile columns two bubble fill" color_scheme="slate" summary=false review_text_height="5.1em" date="F j, Y" attribution=false limit=2]
  • Avatar Arosh Gunawardena ★★★★★ 4 years ago
    I always leave here a little bit confused but never regretful I came to check out the current exhibition. MONA is a must do Tasmanian/Hobart experience and you won't regret it. My photos don't do it justice as when compared to real life experience when you're there. Definitely check it out and it's a reasonable experience!
  • Avatar Ashwin Masarkar ★★★★★ August 23, 2021
    MONA is the mother of all museums in Tasmania. If you are visiting Hobart, you must spare a day for this multilevel gigantic museum. Enough to see and lot to admire. However, I personally feel there are certain sections, which I'd not prefer my kids to see. If you are visiting with your kids, you might want to consider that as well. Except that you will have a joyous adventurous ride in David Walsh's universe.
.gmbrr.slate.tile.fill .listing li {
    background-color: #142232;
    box-shadow: none;

As each tile encloses a review, this works very well with the carousel functionality.


A few examples of badges to get you started; some of these will require a little additional styling.

[reviews_rating theme="badge" limit=0]


655 Main Road, Berriedale

4.4 7,701 reviews

[reviews_rating theme="badge narrow" vicinity=false limit=0]


4.4 7,701 reviews

[reviews_rating theme="badge tiny fill" limit=0]

4.4 7,701 reviews

[reviews_rating theme="badge tiny" class="no-outline" link="write review" limit=0]
[reviews_rating theme="badge tiny narrow" class="fill stripe contrast" place_id="ChIJ1WJvwhoQdkgRZ2SW87_Wxhk" name="Google Reviews" summary="name, rating, stars" html_tags="h3" limit=0]

Google Reviews


[reviews_rating theme="badge tiny narrow" class="no-outline" place_id="ChIJ37ukkHcFdkgRbQDodKaNszs" count=false limit=0]


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Google Bewertungen IconGoogle Bewertungen

4.8 180 Bewertungen

Unsere Bewertungen Eine Rezension schreiben

There is a little custom CSS here because the width of badges will vary according to their content:

.google-business-reviews-rating.badge {
    max-width: 400px;
.google-business-reviews-rating.badge.narrow {
    max-width: 300px;
.google-business-reviews-rating.badge.deutsch .button {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    padding: 0.8rem 1rem;
    font-size: 1.1rem;

This final two badges have additional CSS to fix it to the bottom corners of the screen – provided the screen width and height are both greater than 700 pixels (otherwise it remains in place within the content). You can switch the overall position through changes to left and right.

[reviews_rating theme="badge tiny no-outline" class="fixed bottom left" color_scheme="amethyst" count=false limit=0]
[reviews_rating theme="badge tiny fill" class="fixed bottom right" limit=0]


4.8 180 reviews

@media (min-width: 700px) and (min-height: 700px) {
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        position: fixed;
        left: 20px;
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        z-index: 300;
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        position: fixed;
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        bottom: 20px;
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        z-index: 301;